Okay, I scrapped my multi-array version and have come up with what seems
to be a cleaner recursive object way of doing this.

The last bit of help I need is in the expandSelectedMenu() part. I need
a way to store all the parent nodes above, then traverse them and set
their CSS class accordingly as per the comment in the code.

//FIXME: so the tricky part is to expand all the directories in the path
to $currentMenuItem
//               we should traverse the ->parent maybe?? and set all
//                              <ul class="navTree toggleClosed"> goes to
document.getElementById($id).className = "navTree";
//                              and (while not required it seems, but is good 
//                              <li id="users" class="directory collapsed"> 
goes to
document.getElementById($id).className = "directory";
//               using the $id = str_replace(array(' ','\

I've tried to do some "$value->parent =& $parent;" but when I var_dump()
I start seeing all these *RECURSION* sections. It seems there should be
a nicer way to store the 'root node' so to speak, and not all the
children and recurse like that. I just can't figure it out.

I know that this probably won't render right for you as you need the CSS
and JS and all that, but I'm happy to share that with anyone that helps
out to get this solved in an elegant way. Also other suggestions and
improvements are welcome. I've attached a screen shot so you can see
what it looks like.

<<attachment: menu.php>>

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